Republican Association of Central Committees of MO
A place where County Committees can work together to promote the values of our Party's Platform
Adam Horn
Bev Ehlen
Cyndia Haggard
Don Carriker
Mark Anthony Jones
Melissa Thomas
Peggy Crabtree-Berry
Strategic Partners
Freedom Principle MO
Jodi Grace
Liberty Link

American Socialist Party
(Formerly the Democrat Party)
"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire
The Marxist Party
(Formerly The Democrat Party)

America’s regressive “woke” Left’s hideous ideology amounts to little more than Communist dogma, with the Trojan horse substitution of racial divisions for class struggle. Like their Chicom mentors, these Amcoms’ goal remains the same: the transmogrification of the world’s beacon and preeminent defender of freedom into a totalitarian socialist cesspool.
- American Greatness, read the full article HERE

When every liberal idea is a "right", when everything liberals want becomes a "right", then those rights are owned by the government, and you no longer have ANY rights. - unknown
"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire
“A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have.” - various attributions
Goals of the Left
Totalitarian Government
Destroy our country, make the average American dependent on the government, destroy our two party system, and implement one party rule.
Their Steps to Accomplishing Their Goal:
- Pack the Supreme Court
- Forcibly confiscate your guns
- Eliminate the Electoral College
​- Eliminate the filibuster
- Make DC & Puerto Rico states
- Flood the Southern Border with illegals
- Give citizenship to millions of illegals

This is a MUST READ Article
- From American Thinker
Liberals Want To Grab Your Guns
But, Who Will Do the Grabbing

The Former VP Joe Biden, Former Head of the Biden Crime Family
Current Dementia Patient - Being Controlled by Who?

And That Brings Us to the Imbecilic VP
This is What Identity Politics Gets You: Race and Gender Over Competence & Merit
Remember, in the Primary, she didn't get even ONE vote.
She dropped out before the first voter test!
Kamila Harris

What an embarrassment!

It's easy to become complacent. The LEFT counts on it. If you want your country back, you MUST get involved. Locally, at the state level, and federally. We can rid our country of Marxist idiology, but it takes courage, determination, and action. The choice is yours....
Choose wisely.