Republican Association of Central Committees of MO
A place where County Committees can work together to promote the values of our Party's Platform
Adam Horn
Bev Ehlen
Cyndia Haggard
Don Carriker
Mark Anthony Jones
Melissa Thomas
Peggy Crabtree-Berry
Strategic Partners
Freedom Principle MO
Jodi Grace
Voting Scams
Two More Attempts by the LEFT to destroy elections & voter confidence in MO
Be sure to also check the other voting scam on this website: Ranked Choice Voting
Approval Voting
The official position of the Republican Party: It is NOT in the best interests of the voter. WHY?
Voting is harder & more confusing
Elections are more complicated
Fraud is easier to conceal
Mistakes are harder to find
Could require new and potentially expensive voting equipment and costly public education campaigns.
It dilutes your vote by making it possible for candidates to win who are not your top choice!
It's another attempt by the Left to water down your vote. In our state and country, one person one vote is sacred. Keeping this bill out of our constitution depends on IP Reform, and as you will see from that topic in this section, the state legislature can't manage to get it passed, despite having a "super majority" of Republicans in both chambers!