Republican Association of Central Committees of MO
A place where County Committees can work together to promote the values of our Party's Platform
Adam Horn
Bev Ehlen
Cyndia Haggard
Don Carriker
Mark Anthony Jones
Melissa Thomas
Peggy Crabtree-Berry
Strategic Partners
Freedom Principle MO
Jodi Grace
What It Is
Why We Need It
We have one of the easiest state constitutions to modify in the entire country!
The Left takes advantage of that constantly.
They can push through their agenda with votes from St. Louis & KC and bypass our elected legislature.
IP Reform is really about RATIFICATION reform. It doesn't change how you create petitions.
It DOES make it harder to pass by giving ALL of Missouri a rural voice. Currently, rural Missouri is left out, overwhelmed by large cities.
SUPPORT SJR74. It will stop the Left from controlling our state.
Senate Committee Substitute for SJR74
How Do We Stop Voting Scams Like Approval Voting & Ranked Choice Voting?
By passing REAL Initiative Petition Reform!
Every year, the conservatives in the state legislature attempt to reform the ease with which our constitution can be altered.
Every year, Senate & House "Leadership" work to destroy any protection for our state constitution
This year, the culprits are
Sentate Pro-Tem Caleb Rowden
Majority Floor Leader Cindy O'Laughlin
These two people represent "leadership" in the state Senate.
Rather than work to bring strong, conservative legislation to the floor,
they worked to make backroom deals, protect lobbying interests,
and kill conservative legislation.
Another failed year.
It won't change until we have
REAL REPUBLICANS in the majority.
VETTING is how that happens.
This was a good bill until "leadership" in Jeff City killed it. Changes that neutered it, games that kept it off the floor, and in the end another failed year leaving our Constitution vulnerable to attacks from the Left....just what Fake Republicans planned from the start. If you want this to stop, YOU have to stop electing "Campaign Conservatives" who say what you want to hear on the campaign trail, and govern with Democrats once elected.