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The below is a brief summary of the top accomplishments achieved under President Trump’s administration.
The below is a brief summary of the top accomplishments achieved under President Trump’s administration.
President Trump’s policies have put the American economy into high gear.
• Since President Trump was elected 7.1 million jobs have been created.
• Over 500,000 manufacturing jobs have been created since the President was elected.
• The current unemployment rate is 3.5%, a 50-year low.
• Highlights of November’s jobs report:
o 266,000 jobs were created in November.
â–ª Positive revisions to September and October added an additional 41,000 jobs. This brings the net total to 307,000.
o In November, 54,000 manufacturing jobs were added
o November marked the 21st consecutive month that the unemployment rate has been at or below 4%.
o Wage growth is up 3.1% year over year, the 16th consecutive month in a row wages have risen above 3%.
• Throughout the Trump Administration we have seen record low unemployment for women, African Americans, Latino Americans, and Asian Americans. In November:
o African American unemployment rate was at a near record low of 5.5%.
o The Hispanic American unemployment rate was at a near record low of 4.2%.
o The Asian American unemployment rate was 2.6%, near a historic low.
o Women’s unemployment remained steady at a near record low of 3.5%.
• President Trump’s approval rating among small business owners is at 60%, an all-time high.
• The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit record highs 100 times under President Trump.
• Under President Trump, 6.2 million people have come off food stamps.
• Under President Trump’s leadership, Congress passed historic tax cuts and relief for hard-working Americans. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is the first major tax reform signed in 30 years.
o As a result of the historic tax cuts, nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones were created in all 50 states, DC, and 5
territories. Opportunity Zones will spur $100 billion in private capital investment and impact nearly 35 million
o The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act increased the Child Tax Credit by 100% keeping more money in the pockets of
hardworking mothers.
• Economic confidence rebounded to record highs under President Trump because his pro-growth policies have and
continue to put American workers and businesses first.
• President Trump has rolled back unnecessary job-killing regulations at a historic pace. o The Administration has cut
8 and a half regulations for every new rule.
â–ª This far exceeds the promise made to cut 2 regulations for every 1 regulation added.
o Regulatory costs have been slashed by nearly $50 billion and have saved taxpayers $220 billion once actions are
o The deregulation efforts will save American households an estimated $3,100 per year.
o The Administration formed the Governors’ Initiative on Regulatory Innovation which aims to better align state and
Federal efforts to cut additional unnecessary regulations and costs.
President Trump is working to secure our border.
• President Trump is fulfilling his promise to build a border wall, with sizable portions already finished or under
o It’s expected that 450 miles will be finished by the end of 2020.
o To date, 66 miles of the new wall has replaced an old and ineffective barrier. o Currently, 167 miles of wall is
under construction in high entry sectors such as San Diego, El Centro, El Paso, and Yuma.
o The new wall has contributed to a 56% overall decrease in the number of illegal migrant arrivals at the border.
• Under President Trump, the U.S. Border Patrol has arrested hundreds of members of dangerous gangs.
• The President has strongly enforced our nation’s immigration laws by cracking down on illegal immigration and
taken aim at “sanctuary cities.”
• President Trump has called on Congress to close dangerous loopholes such as “Catch and Release,” end chain
migration, and end the visa lottery program which enables illegal immigration.
• The Administration is looking to close the Flores Settlement Agreement that requires the government to release
families into the country after 20 days. This loophole has been exploited by smugglers who use children as pawns to
enter our country.
• We are closing asylum loopholes – recently, the Administration instituted a new rule requiring migrants who come to
our border to have previously applied and been denied to a country they passed through.
• The Trump Administration announced they are releasing a “Public Charge Rule” that will ensure non-citizens do not
abuse our nation’s public benefits. This rule will go into effect on 10/15/19.
• President Trump was successful in his efforts to get Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries to step up and help
stop the crisis at the border.
o President Trump’s successful negotiations have led to 28% drop in migrants taken into custody in June.
• In May, President Trump announced a new immigration proposal that would modernize our system and secure the
• The Administration has made it a priority to end human trafficking and is using many resources to do so.
o The Administration provided funding to support the National Human Trafficking Hotline.
o The Anti-Trafficking Coordination Team (ACTeam) initiative more than doubled convictions of human traffickers
and increased the number of defendants charged in ACTeam districts.
Foreign Policy
President Trump has restored our nation’s standing in the world and is standing up to bad actors.
• The United States has successfully decimated ISIS.
• Under President Trump, the number one terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was taken out.
• President Trump fulfilled his promise to name Jerusalem Israel’s capital city and moved the U.S. Embassy
• President Trump held two historic summits with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, further demonstrating the
Administration’s commitment to a denuclearized Korean peninsula.
• President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Iran Nuclear Agreement and instituted the toughest sanctions in history
to drive the regime’s oil exports to zero.
o In June 2019, President Trump signed an executive order that authorizes expanded sanctions against Iran.
• The Administration has vigorously and quickly enforced red lines against regimes and individuals that use chemical
• The Trump Administration has imposed sanctions on Russian entities and individuals previously indicted for their
roles in Russian interference in our election.
• The Trump Administration imposed hard-hitting sanctions against Iran’s national bank.
President Trump is delivering on his promise to correct trade imbalances.
• The Trump Administration had taken unprecedented steps to modernize and improve trading practices and
negotiate freer, fairer, and reciprocal trade agreements with our global allies.
• President Trump has kept his promise to deliver a modern and rebalanced trade deal to replace NAFTA. The United
States – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA)
o When ratified, the USCMA would spur economic growth, create 176,000 jobs, add $68.2 billion to the U.S.
economy, and raise wages.
• President Trump negotiated a new United States-Japan trade deal with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Japan is one of
our strongest economic partners and this trade deal builds on that partnership. It is a big win for American farmers,
ranchers, workers, and businesses.
• The Administration revised the United States -Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS) to make it more beneficial to
American workers.
• The President and European Union President Juncker agreed to a new trade deal that strengthens and reforms our
trade relationship. The agreement:
o Works toward zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers, zero subsidies on non-automotive industrial goods.
o Makes it easier for the EU to purchase liquefied gas.
o Reduces trade and bureaucratic obstacles between the U.S. and the EU. o Addresses unfair trade practices.
• President Trump used tariffs to rattle China’s economy and leaders for their trade cheating. The Administration is
continuing to work on this trade agreement and will not accept a bad deal
• President Trump withdrew the United States from the flawed Trans-Pacific Partnership.
• President Trump has forced our allies to recommit to NATO.
• The Trump Administration has protected farmers from unfair trade practices by authorizing $12 billion in aid to the
American agricultural heartland under The Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act.
President Trump continues to reshape the Federal judiciary at a record pace and is following through on his promise to appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution and rule of law.
• President Trump continues to reshape the Federal judiciary at a record pace.
• President Trump has installed more federal court judges than any president in in the past four decades.
• The President is following through on his promise to appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution and rule of law
for generations to come.
• President Trump has nominated, and the Senate has confirmed a grand total of 164 Article III judges.
o 2 Supreme Court Justices – Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh. o 48 Circuit Court judges.
â–ª President Trump has now appointed 1/4th of the nation’s Circuit Courts. o 112 District Court judges.
o 2 Court of International Trade Judges
• President Trump’s judicial confirmations have “flipped” 3 – 2nd, 3rd, 11th Circuits - federal appeals courts to
• Under President Trump, an additional 8.8% of District Courts have a majority of judges appointed by Republicans.
• In 2018, President Trump broke the record for the most circuit court of appeals judges (29) confirmed in the first 2
years of a presidency.
Health Care
President Trump has reduced the cost of health care and taken significant steps to fight the opioid epidemic.
• President Trump has prioritized fixing our broken health care system and worked with Congress to implement a
system that works for all Americans.
• The President has made it clear patients with preexisting conditions will be protected.
• The individual mandate penalty has been eliminated.
• Association Health Plans have been expanded.
• Short-term, limited duration insurance plans have been extended.
• President Trump is working to implement his plan to lower prescription drugs.
• Under the Trump Administration, we have seen the first ever decline of average benchmark premiums on the federal
health care exchange.
• The President signed an Executive Order to improve seniors’ healthcare and improve the fiscal sustainability of
• Reforms to expand Medicare Advantage options and Health Reimbursement Accounts have been expanded.
• President Trump mobilized his entire Administration to address the drug addiction and opioid abuse by declaring a
Nationwide Public Health Emergency.
• President Trump signed the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act to fight the opioid epidemic.
• The Administration launched a public resource to help combat substance abuse.
• President Trump signed an Executive Order that increases price and quality transparency.
• The Administration has committed to ending surprise billing.
• HHS is finalizing a rule that will require hospitals to make prices publicly available online and in a more consumer-
friendly format.
• The Administration has proposed a rule to require insurance companies and group health plans to provide enrollees
with cost estimates.
• The Trump Administration has promoted innovation and solutions to expand treatment options for Americans living
with disease including HIV/AIDS, kidney disease, pediatric cancer, Alzheimer’s, and more.
• The Administration launched a program to provide the HIV prevention drug PrEP to uninsured patients for free.
President Trump is promoting a clean and healthy environment for all Americans.
• The President and the Administration are continuing to pursue policies that encourage environmental protection
while promoting economic growth.
o Since 2005, our energy related carbon emissions have declined more than any other country. This is expected to
decrease in 2019 and 2020.
• Our nation’s environmental record is one of the strongest in the world.
o According to the White House, from 1970 to 2018, the combined emissions of the most common air pollutants
fell 74% while the economy grew over 275%.
• We have the cleanest air on record and remain a global leader for access to clean drinking water. The President has
taken important steps to restore, preserve, and protect our land, air, and waters.
o The Save our Seas Act was signed into law in 2018. This law reauthorized the NOAA Marine Debris Program,
promoting international action to reduce marine debris and authorizing cleanup and response actions that may
be needed.
o The EPA has taken significant steps to clean up our contaminated sites and hazardous sites.
â–ª In FY2018, the EPA completed cleanup work on 22 Superfund sites from the National Priorities list. This is the largest
number in one year since 2005.
o The EPA is more efficiently implementing air quality standards that will better protect the environment and
human health.
• The President’s management of our nation’s lands promotes conservation while encouraging good stewardship and
expanding recreational opportunities.
o Just this year, President Trump signed legislation designating 1.3 million new acres of wilderness - the largest
public lands legislation in a decade.
o The Department of the Interior proposed to open more than 1 million acres of land for expanded hunting and
fishing access.
o The President took important action to improve management of forests to help prevent devastating forest fires.
President Trump’s policies have begun to unleash our nation’s energy potential.
• President Trump signed an Executive Order to expand offshore oil and gas drilling and open more leases to develop
offshore drilling.
• The Administration acted aggressively to increase exports of energy resources to the global market and allowed
financing for coal and fossil energy projects.
• President Trump has approved the infrastructure and provided the resources needed to unleash Oil and gas
production in the U.S.
o The Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines were approved, supporting an estimated total of 42,000 jobs
and $2 billion in wages.
o The New Burgos Pipeline, a cross-border project that will export U.S. gasoline to Mexico, was approved.
o The Trump Administration reversed President Obama’s moratorium on new leases for oil and gas development
on Federal lands.
• The President rescinded President Obama’s costly Clean Power Plan.
• The President proposed the Affordable Clean Energy Rule to reduce greenhouse gasses, empower states, promote
energy independence, and facilitate economic growth and job creation.
• The Administration has rescinded many costly Obama-Era regulations including the methane emissions rule that
would cost American energy developers an estimated $530 million annually.
• The President announced his intent to withdrawal the U.S. from the unfair Paris Climate Accord.
President Trump and his Administration continue to help our farmers.
• In 2018, President Trump signed a sweeping new Farm Bill into law.
o The Farm Bill provides support and stability to our farmers, expands crop insurance, doubles how much
farmers can borrow and helps open new markets for our farmers.
• The President authorized the year-round sale of E15 gasoline which provided a boost to America’s corn growing
• Red tape that has harmed American farmers have been rolled back.
o This includes eliminating the burdensome Obama-era Waters of the United States rule.
• The historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act protected family farmers from the estate tax.
o Thanks to the President’s historic tax cuts legislation, the effective tax rate for farmers is expected to fall from
17.2% to 13.9%.
• President Trump is standing up for America’s farmers by negotiating fairer, freer, and more reciprocal trade deals
that remove barriers and open markets for American farmers.
o President Trump negotiated the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), getting a better deal for
American farmers and ranchers.
â–ª Once ratified, the USMCA would increase America’s Agricultural exports by $2.2 billion.
â–ª The USMCA eliminates Canada’s discriminatory programs that allow low-priced dairy products to undersell our
nation’s dairy producers.
â–ª USMCA includes expanded market access for dairy products, eggs, and poultry.
o In a deal with the European Union, American soybean exports will be increased.
o President Trump reached a new trade agreement with Japan. As a result, Japan will eliminate or reduce tariffs
on approximately $7.2 billion in U.S. agricultural exports.
o President Trump continues to stand up to China and their unfair trade practices which target our farmers.
â–ª The Administration provided $16 billion in funds to support our farmers against unfair trade retaliation.
• The Trump Administration continue to support and expand markets for America’s farmers.
• Japan’s market has been opened to all American beef.
• Restrictions have been eliminated on:
o American pork exports to Argentina.
o American beef to Brazil.
o Idaho chipping potatoes to Japan.
o American poultry to South Korea.
• President Trump signed an Executive Order directing Federal agencies to streamline the agricultural biotechnology
regulatory process.
• The Trump Administration is working to promote connectivity in rural American by investing in rural broadband.
• President Trump is working to protect our Nation’s forests.
o In 2018, the President signed an Executive Order aimed at increasing responsible forest management and
coordinating Federal, State, tribal, and local assets to prevent and combat wildfires.
o In order to preserve the health of our forests, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 was signed into law.
• President Trump and his administration continue to provide necessary disaster relief to impacted areas.
President Trump and his administration are putting students and families first.
• The President understands the importance of education and continues to declare the last week in January National
School Choice Week.
• The President signed a historic Executive Order that promotes and protects free speech on college campuses.
• President Trump and his Administration support the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act.
• In 2019, President Trump signed a memorandum that eliminates 100% of student loan debt for permanently
disabled veterans.
• The President continues to work with the Department of Education to expand transparency and give students
expanded access to vital information about the career outcomes of the programs they enroll in.
• President Trump has made Historically Black Colleges and Universities a priority, including appropriating more
money to HBCUs in one year than any other president and establishing a Presidential Board of Advisors on HBCUs.
• The President is committed to expanding and strengthening education in science, technology, engineering, and
mathematic (STEM).
o President Trump issued a presidential memorandum encouraging the Department of Education to promote
STEM, especially Computer Science.
o President Trump directed more than $200 million per year to technology education grants for women and
programs that encourage participation in STEM careers.
o The President signed the bipartisan reauthorization of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act.
This law provides the necessary training for students and workers to succeed in the 21st century economy.
o The President donated his 2017 second quarter salary to the Department of Education. The funds were used to
host a STEM focused camp for students.
o President Trump signed the INSPIRE Act which encourages NASA to have more women and girls participate in
STEM and pursue careers in aerospace.
• The President signed an Executive Order to expand apprenticeships in America.
• President Trump has encouraged state and federal lawmakers to expand school choice.
• The administration lowered regulatory hurdles and restored flexibility to schools with respect to menus in their
• President Trump is committed to making our schools safer.
o President Trump encouraged passage of the STOP School Violence Act to provide funding grants to schools
to improve security measures.
o The Administration established a Commission on School Safety to examine ways to make schools safer for all
students and teachers.
• Additionally, the Administration proposed a new $5 billion annual tax credit to promote school choice. This move is
supported by 2/3rds of black Americans.
Military and Veterans
President Trump is protecting America and our allies by rebuilding our military and ensuring our veterans receive the care they deserve.
• President Trump has restored American military strength.
• Under President Trump’s leadership, Congress passed two historic National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAA)
which allocate almost $1.5 trillion combined to rebuild and grow our military.
• The FY2019 NDAA included a 2.6% military pay raise, the largest in 9 years.
• President Trump signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the
Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.) to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
• The President signed the V.A. Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional
funds for the Veterans Choice Program (VCP).
• The Trump Administration created a new White House V.A. Hotline, staffed by veterans and family members.
• The Administration has secured a record $8.6 billion in funding for mental health services with the goal of ending the
tragedy of veteran suicide.
• The Trump Administration has created the PREVENTS initiative, a task force aimed at unifying the efforts of
government, businesses, and nonprofit groups to help our veterans.
• The President has secured $73.1 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs - the highest funding for the VA in
• Veterans Affairs increased transparency and accountability by launching an online “Access and Quality Tool.” This
provides veterans a way to access wait time and quality of care data.
• In 2019, President Trump signed a memorandum that eliminates 100% of student loan debt for permanently
disabled veterans.
o The President also called upon all 50 states to ensure that disabled veterans do not pay state tax on their
forgiven debts.
• The unemployment rate among veterans is at a record low of 3%.
o 8.9 million veterans are employed.
o The number of unemployed veterans has been reduced by 37% under President Trump.
• In November 2019, President Trump became the first president to walk in the New York City Veterans Day Parade.
Under President Trump’s administration, women have been empowered to reach their economic potential.
• Women have experienced record low unemployment under President Trump.
o In November, the women’s unemployment rate remained steady at a near record low of 3.5%.
o The unemployment rate among women has been under 4% for 17 straight months.
o Since he was elected, President Trump has created an astonishing 4.4 million new jobs for women.
• During the President’s first year in office, the number of American women in poverty fell by nearly 600,000.
• Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the child tax credit was doubled to $2,000 per child.
• President Trump was the first president to include a paid family leave policy 2 budget proposals.
• The President and his Administration are committed to keeping families and communities safe.
• The Trump Administration has prioritized empowering women to pursue careers and realize their economic
o President Trump directed more than $200 million per year to technology education grants for women and
programs that encourage participation in STEM careers.
o President Trump signed an Executive Order establishing the National Council For The American Worker.
o Over 300 companies and associations of all size and industry have signed the Administration’s Pledge to
America’s Workers, promising to create more than 14 million education, training, and skill-building
opportunities over the next 5 years.
o Ivanka Trump created the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative (W-GDP) to help 50 million
women in 22 developing countries realize their economic potential by 2025.
• Additional Trump Administration efforts to empower women globally include:
o The Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi): Aims to mobilize more than $2.6 billion in capital for
women entrepreneurs in 26 developing countries.
o The WomenConnect Challenge: Seeks to growth women’s access to digital technology and bridge the digital
gender divide.
o The 2X Women’s Initiative: Aimed at mobilizing $1 billion in capital to support women living in the developing
world. This initiative has already mobilized more than $140 million from the private sector to support women in
Latin America and the Caribbean.
Black Americans
Black Americans have a true champion in President Trump.
• President Trump has created an astonishing 1.3 million new jobs for black Americans since his election.
o In November, the black unemployment rate was at a near record low of 5.5%. o The black American
unemployment rate has been at or below 7% for 22 consecutive months.
o Prior to President Trump’s administration, the black unemployment rate had never dipped below 7%.
• Under President Trump, incomes for black Americans have increased by 2.6%.
• Under the Trump Economy, wages are continuing to rise which significantly benefits the lowest-paid workers.
• The poverty rate among black Americans is at its lowest level in history.
o Under President Trump, 350,000 fewer black Americans are living in poverty.
• During the President’s first year in office, the black American poverty rate fell to 21.2% down from 22% the year
• As a result of the historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones were created in all 50 states, DC,
and 5 territories.
o Opportunity Zones which will create jobs and spur investment in disadvantaged communities.
o These Opportunity Zones will spur $100 billion in private capital investment and impact 1.4 million minority
• President Trump signed the historic FIRST STEP Act into law.
o The FIRST STEP ACT has been widely hailed as the most meaningful criminal justice reform in a generation.
o This landmark legislation included necessary reforms to our justice system, improves our prison system, and
prepares inmates for reentry in our communities.
o As a result of the First Step Act, more than 3,000 Americans have been released from prison and 90% of those
who have had their sentences reduced are black
o The First Step Act shortens mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent drug crimes and provides judges
greater liberty to go around mandatory minimums.
o The law also allows offenders sentenced under racially motivated mandatory minimums to petition for their
cases to be re-evaluated.
o President Trump was awarded the 2019 Bipartisan Justice award by the nonprofit 20/20 Bipartisan Justice
Center. The President received this award for his “ability to work across the aisle to achieve meaningful
progress in reforming our criminal justice system.”
• President Trump has committed his Administration to advancing second chance hiring for former prisoners. This
includes launching a “Ready to Work Initiative.”
• The Trump Administration has fought for a federal tax credit on donations that fund scholarships to private schools,
a proposal supported by 64% of African Americans.
• President Trump has made supporting Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) a top priority.
o In February 2017, President Trump announced the President’s Board of Advisors on HBCUs.
o The President signed an Executive Order on HBCUs in February 2017, the earliest any President has signed
an Order on HBCUs.
o The EO established an Interagency Working Group to advance and coordinate work regarding HBCUs.
o The federal HBCU initiative office was moved back into the White House, a move that leaders had requested
under President Obama.
o President Trump has appropriated more money than any other president to HBCU’s.
o The President signed legislation to increase federal funding for HBCUs by 13%, the highest level ever.
o The President worked with Congress to lift the ban on Pell Grants on summer classes.
o Through the Capital Financing Program, the Administration has provided more than $500 million in loans to
o The President directed the entire federal government to develop a strategy to support HBCUs. To date, this
has been supported by 32 departments and agencies.
o The Administration has forgiven more than $300 million in outstanding debt for four schools impacted by
natural disasters and the budget provided $10 million to defer loan payments for 6 school facing financial
o The Department of Education worked with HBCUs to protect $80 million in Title
o President Trump took a big step to end discriminatory restrictions to prevent faith based HBCUs from
accessing federal support.
o The Administration continues to work with HBCUs to expand apprenticeship opportunities, career choices,
and ensure they are receiving adequate support.
Latino Americans
Under President Trump’s leadership the Latino American community has thrived.
• Under President Trump, Latino Americans have experienced record low unemployment.
• More than 2.9 million jobs have been created for Latino Americans.
• In November, the Latino American unemployment rate was at a near record low of 4.2%.
• The median Latino American income rose by $1,786 during President Trump’s first year in office.
o In 2017, the median Latino American income hit its highest ever recorded level ($50,486).
• Since taking office, the Latino American homeownership rose by more than a percentage point (46.3% to 47.4%).
• In addition to the booming economy, President Trump renegotiated freer and fairer trade deals such as the USMCA.
• President Trump has stood up to socialism and communism in Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua.
o Thanks to pressure from President Trump, 50 countries followed President Trump’s leadership in recognizing
Juan Guaidó as the legitimate leader of Venezuela.
o The Trump administration has rolled back President Obama’s disastrous rapprochement with Cuba, which only
benefited the country’s dictatorship instead of its people.
o At the direction of President Trump, the Treasury Department has imposed sanctions against senior officials in
the Nicaraguan regime for their role in human rights abuses and undermining democracy.
• The President has made it clear that American interests do not align with failed socialist policies.
Asian Americans
Under President Trump’s leadership Asian American unemployment has reached record lows.
• Asian American unemployment hit a near record low of 2.6% in November
• The lowest ever record unemployment rate for Asian Americans (2.1%) came in June 2019.
*As of 12/6/19 - check back,the list is ever expanding​!
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