Republican Association of Central Committees of MO
A place where County Committees can work together to promote the values of our Party's Platform
Adam Horn
Bev Ehlen
Cyndia Haggard
Don Carriker
Mark Anthony Jones
Melissa Thomas
Peggy Crabtree-Berry
Strategic Partners
Freedom Principle MO
Jodi Grace
MOPP is the blog site of Lt General US Army Marvin Covault (ret). General Covault is a think tank kind of man, and fortunately for us, he shares his thoughts on problems and offers viable, well thought out, solutions. We highly recommend regular reading of his commentary, and are proud to bring some of his articles to our website.
Click any topic to read the article or click the logo above and go directly to his website.
Our country is in trouble, serious trouble and moving in exactly the wrong direction. The kids are our future and what they learn today will define the future of America.
Just for a moment imagine, across this country, 60 million K-12 youngsters in 2.4 million Home Room classes at 8 o’clock every morning in every school in America being taught and mentored by 2.4 million volunteers on the subject of character. Campaign Home Room is within the art of the possible and “we the people”, not we the government, can make it happen and transform America.
One of the very best reviews of the push to eliminate fossil fuels and rely instead on "free" alternatives that are anything but. Regardless which side of the fence you are on with this subject, General Covault's article is well worth the read. Turns out, the alternatives will be very expensive and very damaging to our planet....
President Trump, love him, hate him or anywhere in between, in retrospect, every policy he set forth had one overarching intent, is this what is best for the American people. By contrast, every decision, declaration, executive order, in President Biden’s first couple months, has been a low blow to John Q. Public.
Think of the Voter ID Card as a picture ID (like your driver’s license) with a “swipe” capability (like your credit card) that will display on a screen all of the voter’s personal data as well as the dates the Voter ID Card has been “used” during the current election cycle. The intent of the Voter ID Card Law is to positively identify a voter at a voting site with a current photo, a valid state Voter ID number, current address and a history of voter activity. Everyone who desires to vote must have a Voter ID Card in order to perform in-person voting or to apply for an absentee ballot.